Photo Credit: Ruthi Auda
Aren't these the most genius things you have ever seen for a wine themed kitchen or dinner party decor!!
First, let me apologize but life has once again become a little overwhelming. This month of march went by so quickly and I realized today that I have not done a single craft for a post on the blog like I committed to in my 2012 Goals and Commitments post.
So many things are going on over here and our little business is doing so well that I just have not had time for much else. So today's post is not much of a tutorial but I promise I will have the how to photos for this soon.
I was surfing the net for some unique ways to add decor to my wine themed kitchen. I stumbled across a blog called Ruthi Adua and these awesome chalkboard wine bottles
These are super easy to make and I have lots of bottles to makeover. Here is my plan:
1. Spray primer on the glass to give it a nice surface for paint adhesion
2. paint the chalkboard paint on
3. create the coolness
4. put them in my kitchen!!
and the best part---I have all of the materials in stock so I dont have to pay a single penny for any supplies. Pictures to come for the reveal.