Welcome 2012!!
I can't believe another year has raced by. Time seems to be flying faster than I want it to but I am dealing with it in stride!! 2011 was a great year for me and my family--so much has happened and we have surely been blessed day after day, year after year!!
Many of my friends are posting resolutions on Facebook. I enjoy reading them for sure but I dont dare proclaim any myself for one simple reason:
I NEVER follow them through!!
So...If I never carry out a single resolution I make, why make them???
This year I am starting something new. Instead of resolutions, I am making a Goals & Committments list. I believe in goals and when I set them, I commit to finishing them, so, my hope is that with goals in place, I have a better chance at completing them.
1. Pay more attention to family- I think everyone has this as a goal but not everyone has the crazy busy life I do. I work full time outside of the home in a very demanding job and on top of that I have an online business which has been steadily growing into a busy, busy part time job. I also coach my daughter's volleyball team, am active in the school PTO, volunteer for my son's baseball boosters, and stay involved in the kids activities as much as I can. What I dont do is sit down and LISTEN to my kids. I am always so busy that I often forget to listen to what they have to say about what is important to them. My commitment this year is to spend more time listening to them!!

2. Lose 15 lbs- This is not your typical i need to lose weight resolution. I really need to drop 15lbs this year. I am a diabetic and weight control is very important. The more weight I lose, the more in control I am of my diabetes. I have lost 40lbs so far and the last 15 is the most difficult and requires the most commitment!
3. Learn new camera skills- I want to be a better photographer. I have a DSLR camera and have begun using it in manual mode. I would like to take a class this year and learn more skills and settings to improve the quality of my photos!
4. Take better care of my car- This may sound silly but my car quickly becomes a disaster area. I will devote one saturday a month to washing my car and cleaning the inside of it. I even have a plan to make a very snazzy car organizer for my daughter to keep all of her stuff that seems to be a necessity
5. Make better use of a calendar- enough said!
6. Create a date night plan with my husband- Hubby and I are always so busy with the kiddos that we never make time for each other. This year, I am planning one date night a month for he and I to go and do anything we want without the kiddos.

Create at least one blog post a month on this blog-I make so many things and yet I dont sit down and create the posts to share with all of you. Well with that snazzy new calendar system that I implement, I am going to make it happen. I will make at least one blog post a month and hopefully more but for now I want to commit to at least one---so---be ready for some cool projects including:
a. tablet hardcover case
b. valentine photo holder
c. laundry room drying rack
and more...
Organize my craft area more often-Creativity is messy indeed and this is why I plan on organizing the area once a week to keep it from getting in too much of a disarray.
Grow my online business- this is actually a lifelong goal. I have been working on this forever and I do plan on continuing but this year I have some big plans for my business and so I have to keep it on my list for sure!!
Wow! This is the quite the list!! I wish everyone a healthy, properous, and happy new year! I hope 2012 is the year of many new beginnings and continued success for everyone.